How to multitask correctly

The phrase “multitasking” came into our vernacular very quickly. It took over the work world and it wasn’t long before one of the main questions asked in job interviews became “how well do you multitask?” In a similar way, it also wasn’t long before the hype around multitasking diminished. People began to say “multitasking will ruin your brain”, “multitasking will train you to not be focused”, “multitasking ruins the quality of your work.”

Well, I like to say that anything can be bad for you if you use it in the wrong way. Most of the claims that multitasking is an inefficient method of working are correct. Constantly allowing your focus to be spread thin is counter-productive. Focus is like a muscle in that the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. To stretch it means to be unable to give your full attention to the task you are presently working on. This, in turn, results in low quality work. However, there IS a time and place for multitasking.

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